February 8, 2025

How Squarespace Started in a College Room



Incorporated as Squarespace, Inc., Spacespace was launched into the public space in the month of January, the year 2004, approximately 18 years ago by Anthony Casalena. The company was founded to serve as a web-hosting firm where websites and blog owners can make use of its service to build their company’s digital presence and enterprise. The company through its historical record is known to begin its journey from a college room in the University of Maryland, College Park where its founder, Anthony Casalena was then a student. Despite managing the company alone as a sole proprietor, Casalena recorded in the year 2006 (two years after founding the company) a total sum of $1 Million USD as revenue generated from its annual sales. However, as the years go by, the company began its expansion, growing from a relatively low enterprise launched in a college room into becoming one of the leading web hosting software companies across the world.

This expansionary move started showing signs in the year 2010 as the company recorded a total number of 30 employees in its workforce and the number quickly increased from 30 to 550 individuals by the end of 2015.

Squarespace entered the New York Stock Exchange Market on May the 19th, 2021 and at that time, the company had already witnessed several changes in its operations among which include but are not limited to adding an e-commerce tool to its services, including analytic tools, as well as domain name services.

In this piece, however, you would be shown several areas of the company which include a comprehensive review of how it started its operation from the comfort of a college room, as well as revealing the company’s future plans and approach.    

History of Squarespace

The year when Squarespace was founded was in coincidence with the internet boom which was around 2004. As a young man born in the northern part of Maryland, Casalena’s passion for the internet grew up at a very tender age. He was so passionate to the point he was ready to develop a home on the internet, but, due to the limited technological resources in those days, his ideas were negatively affected. However, Casalena restrategized by changing his approach and then decided o launch a digital solution that would serve as a playground for companies to develop and build their digital presence, hence, the idea of Squarespace came into existence.

Casalena dived into intensive coding and programming sessions right from his college dormitory, and in the year 2004, Squarespace was birthed, a company that has now grown to become an industry-leading giant hosting up to 1 million websites of top companies and firms across the world.     

Rightly after graduating from college, Casalena recorded a significant amount of revenue approximating to a total sum of 1 million dollars, and as a result, he migrated to New York City with the vision to build and improve his software enterprise so that by 2010 the company which has only known to be operated by he alone added additional 30 individuals. Still in the process of restructuring and development, the initial version of the company’s software which was developed by Casalena during his college days was recoded into a more updated version for scalability.

The company formulates several price tags for each of its plans ranging from prices as low as $5 USD up to $70 USD per month. The goal of the company is therefore to help equip individuals into creating, developing, and customize websites for their enterprises and products.

By the year 2014, April 14th, the company recorded receiving a total sum of $ 40 Million as seed funding. And in the year 2015, the company was already recording over 100 USD million in revenue with a total number of 550 workers under its management. In that same year, the company bought an advertising spot operating under the name, Super Bowl.

And in four times in a row starting from 2015 through 2018, the company won the Emmy Awards for Outstanding Commercial.  In the year 2017, Squarespace partnered with the New York Knicks who agreed to include Squarespace’s logo on their uniform. In the same year 2017, the company also recorded to have received a total sum of $200 million as seed funding. This amount increased the company’s worth to $1.7 Billion USD.

In the year 2018, in a bid to launch the Make It Award, Squarespace went into partnership with a company operating under the name, Madison Square Garden Company which gave prizes amounting to a total sum of $ 30 Million USD to every of 4 entrepreneurs who emerges as the winner of the contest.

In the year 2019, the company bought two other companies operating under the name, Acuity Scheduling and Unfold Company in a bid to expand its operations. And in the year 2021, Squarespace acquired Tock a hospitality industry management platform in a deal amounting to a total sum of $ 400 Million USD.,

In the year 2021, rightly after filing its necessary documents with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission known as SEC, Squarespace goes public by offering its first Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the New York Stock Exchange Market under the ticker symbol SQSP.

By March 2021, the company recorded a total sum of $ 300 Million USD from its funding series, and the amount boosts the company’s worth to be valued at $10 Billion USD.

Looking Forward into the Future of Squarespace

There are four major strategic plans the company is looking at leveraging in order to achieve its future goals and maintain its space. The four strategic plans include:

To Keep Hiring Based on Shared Core Values

One of the principles the company is looking at in building a viable brand is in its hiring style of approach which is believed that for the company to maintain its growth and pace it must seek to hire only individuals who are willing to share the company’s overall core values while discharging their duties.  These core values transcend across all business segments of the corporation, whiles reflecting the company’s commitment to doing business ethically and professionally. These shared values include Integrity, Responsibility,  Courage, Mutual, Respect, Achievement, as well as Transparency. The company’s management believes that the implementation of these shared values would continue to help the company in delivering its best services for its major stakeholder which include, its customers, its stockholders, its employees as well as its communities. 

Prioritizing and Leveraging Long-term Growth

Another strategic plan the company is trying to leverage for its future move is the idea of prioritizing long-term growth by consistently focusing on building a business that is 100% customer-focused as it understands that customers are important stakeholders of any enterprise, as a result, they are responsible for the success of an organization as products and services of any enterprise are solely built for their purpose. To this, Squarespace strives to ensure all its customers are given the best service delivery across all its business segments and is is committed to doing this so as to sustain a long-lasting relationship with them, thus, achieving long-term growth.

To Maintain its Innovative Pace

Another unique plan the company is looking into which would be responsible for its future growth is its commitment to innovation, Squarespace is committed to building a system that positions the company for innovative development which enables the company to thrive in the business world, hence ranking drastically beyond its contemporaries. This implementation of this strategy is significantly supported by the strategic team and research development unit which act collaboratively in creating a template for the company’s innovation and development.   

To Continue Its Capacity Building

Another key strategy of the company is the style it has chosen in buying and acquiring companies. Squarespace has an eye for companies with future potentials that is, long-term potentials, rather than companies with short-term success. Since its inception, Squarespace Inc consistently purchases companies that are key players in the web hosting industry and as a result continued to outstretch its business dominance.


Squarespace which is now ranked as a Fortune 500 Company, as seen from the above-detailed history has in no doubt begun with a humble beginning in a college dormitory. An enterprise that started as a dream and passion of a college student has now become a magnate and force to reckon with in the home digital and software industry.  The company’s amazing successes were as a result of its stern and daring approach which cuts across all major aspects of business endeavors: from its pursuit to give its customers the best service, to help its employees grow while availing them with competitive perks, to supporting social and environmental courses, to having an in-depth knowledge of merger and acquisition, and to having the best strategy to navigate through the market while considering its competitors’ tactics. All of these are the basic ingredients in what builds up the company into becoming a reckoning force. If Squarespace, therefore, keeps and implements its future plans as addressed in the above section, the company would be a leading force in the digital and software industry.

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